
项目位于冰岛雷克雅未克市的Perlan冰淇凌博物馆内,根植于Perlan的品牌形象,Atelier Tobia Zambotti事务所的设计为店铺赋予了大胆而新颖的观感。天花板上,吸音泡沫组成千变万化的形状与色彩,吸引着顾客的眼球。店内的设计以一种简洁且经济的姿态,创造了一个不断变化的空间。作为冰岛最具商业吸引力的博物馆之一,项目的设计理念旨在进一步吸引顾客并增强店内的互动性。在Instagram的时代,设计师必须找到一个简明的设计方案,既能促进该店与顾客间的互动,又能彰显Perlan的品牌形象。

Atelier Tobia Zambotti was tasked to design a bold identity for the new ice cream parlor within the Perlan Museum of Reykjavík. The result is ceiling formed in acoustic foam which draws the eye of the visitor in a kaleidoscopic composition of shapes and colours. The design addresses the brief with one simple and economic gesture creating a space which is enveloping and ever changing. As a commercial attraction within one of Iceland’s most visited museums, the brief had a strong emphasis on a design that would attract people and interact with them. In the age of Instagram the designer had to find a simple solution which would interact with its users while defining a clear and recognisable identity.

▼项目概览,project overall view © Patrik Ontkovic


Inspired by the caves found in glaciers and the ever changing reflections and colours within them, the pattern of the ceiling declines this natural image in an iconic design feature. This is reinforced by the stainless steel back-counter which reflects led strips tuned to a cool 4500K light. In a single sweep – pun intended – the ceiling defines the atmosphere of the space and guides the design of all other elements. The repetitive design of the foam pyramids dropping from the ceiling like geometric stalactites creates an optical illusion which pulls the visitor towards the focal point of the ice cream trays, the only elements that breaks from the stark white and blue palette which defines the whole space.

▼重复的泡沫板棱柱像钟乳石一般悬挂在天花板上,形成独特的视觉效果,the repetitive design of the foam pyramids dropping from the ceiling like geometric stalactites © Patrik Ontkovic

▼在白蓝交织的背景下,多彩的冰淇淋柜台成为唯一个不同的元素,the ice cream trays breaks from the stark white and blue palette © Patrik Ontkovic


While the ceiling is the highly visible element that characterises the space it also defines the design principles behind every other element. From the full arch BOH door that follows the shape of the ceiling to the white corian counter, another element of the reimagined glacier. All the technical requirements are also resolved following the same ethos. Cashier and all other clutter are hidden from view within the counter and the noise of the fridges is attenuated by the foam prisms of the ceiling.

▼BOH的拱门遵循了天花板的走向, the full arch BOH door that follows the shape of the ceiling © Patrik Ontkovic

▼纯白的Corian柜台让人们联想到另一种冰川的形式, the white corian counter, another element of the reimagined glacier © Patrik Ontkovic

▼收银台以及其他杂物都隐藏在柜台内,Cashier and all other clutter are hidden from view within the counter © Patrik Ontkovic

▼辅料台细部,detail of the counter © Patrik Ontkovic


Perlan Museum celebrates the beauty and uniqueness of the Icelandic landscape while employing engaging design to convey this to a wide and diverse audience. The Perlan Ice Cream parlor embraces this approach by marrying bold contemporary design with ideas and features from the landscape it is there to support.

▼天花板细部,detail of the ceiling © Patrik Ontkovic


